Tuesday 5 August 2008

starting back at it...

so... it's been a lo-o-ong time since i posted anything here, and it think i should probably not go all the way back to mid-march and detail every post in google reader i've 'starred' since then. instead i'm going to start back at around mid-june, as it serves me well [see the next list-post]...

the reason for starting back up? well, for one, it's a good discipline and helps focus my mind on what's important in this line of work; for two, i was listening to a stephen fry podcast this morning (if you haven't you should...) and what he was talking about - Oscar Wilde and the beauty of nature versus the mess we make of things - coincided with a butterfly flitting about the packed commuter train i was squeezed into at the time. this stirred me into thinking that any web contribution could be a good one - as there's just a chance it might strike a chord at the right time somewhere to someone...

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